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Level 6 Course in Counselling Supervision

Terms and Conditions

September 2025 – June 2026

Please read through the terms and conditions before applying for an interview and keep a copy for your reference.  If offered a space on this course, applicants will be expected to sign a declaration that they will adhere to the terms set out below.

Course dates

10am to 4pm on Zoom


13th September 2025
18th October 2025
15th November 2025
13th December 2025
10th January 2026
7th February 2026
14th March 2026
11th April 2026
16tth May 2026
13th June 2026

Allocation of places

Allocation of places will be subject to the agreement of our Director of Learning (Carol Belsey) and the tutor (Richard Carroll) following an informal interview. Their decision to invite a qualified counsellor to apply for the course, once the interview has taken place, and/or to accept a qualified counsellor to the course will be final.


Cancellation of course

CB Counsellor Training Ltd (CBCT Ltd) reserves the right to cancel or postpone the course if minimum numbers of 10 participants are not reached. In this event a full refund will be made.



85% attendance of the 10 training days is required to pass this course. Those not achieving this can

be awarded a certificate of attendance by CBCT Ltd stating the hours attended, if requested, but will not be able to complete the course and receive the OCN certificate.

Those not achieving all the criteria for the course can also be awarded a CBCT Ltd certificate of attendance if they have achieved 85% of the course, if requested. This can be converted to the OCN London course completion certificate, upon completion of all the criteria. Please see the course guide for more criteria details/timeframes (available in the online classroom at least 4 weeks before the course begins).

We expect students to only miss training days for emergency and illness not social events/holidays. However, students should not attend if they are not able to actively participate in the day due to illness or life events. We do not record any part of the training days and cannot offer a recording to absentees. The course’s training days are only offered as live, interactive training.


Course deposit:

£300 due within two weeks of the offer of a place.

£20 payment plan admin fee due within two weeks of the offer of a place.

To take advantage of our payment plan the payment plan agreement document need to be returned to CBCT Ltd signed and dated and the admin charge needs to be paid at the same time as the deposit.

The deposit is non-refundable unless the course is cancelled.

Course balance payment:

£1350 due in full on 31st July 2025.

Payment plan instalments:

10th June 2025                         £200
10th July 2025                           £200
10th August 2025                     £200
10th September 2025              £200
10th October 2025                   £200
10th November 2025               £200
10th December 2025               £150

Failure to pay the deposit and/or balance will result in the student’s place on the course being revoked.

A receipt will be issued for your deposit and payment plan admin fee and a second one once all the balance has been paid. Receipts will be sent by email. Please retain these receipts for your records. Duplicate receipts or other styles of receipt (e.g. requested by accountants) incur an admin charge of £20 to be paid before the duplicate is made available.

No refunds are given for individual dates missed by a participant.

The course fees can be paid in instalments, but the instalment schedule must be adhered to and payments made on the correct day and all payments must be received by 10th December 2025. If the full fee is not received the student will not be allowed to join the course and their access to the online classroom will be closed.

No refunds are offered at any stage after the deposit is paid or during the course except for in the case of close family bereavement within modules 1-7. No refunds are offered from Module 8-10. This allows us to continue to offer courses with only 12-14 participants. Students should therefore ensure they are aware of the professional and financial commitment they are making.

Bereavement refunds

Close family bereavement includes only children (both child and adult) siblings and parents. A copy of the death certificate is required. In these cases, if the student is asked to leave the course and a refund offered students can opt to join a later cohort if they wish (at the Director of Learning’s discretion).

Refunds in case of close family bereavement:

The deposit is retained. Each training day incurs a cost (above the £300 deposit) of £125. Therefore, using the date you need to leave the course, we will calculate any excess money held by CBCT Ltd on your behalf for days which cannot be attended and will refund the excess minus an admin charge of £25.

Resignation from course  

Resignations from the course are accepted in writing only to the Director of Learning using The full fee for the course remains due and is retained. Access to the online classroom is closed on the final day of the course.

If a student resigns from the course before they have been given access to the online classroom and their space can be filled by another student before the course begins, we will issue a refund (minus the deposit and an admin charge of £25) and access to the online classroom is closed. The full fee is due and retained if the space cannot be filled by another student.

Reflective Writing

As part of the interview process, we require each applicant to provide a writing sample of 400-500 words. More details will be provided in a separate document. This document must be received before the interview is held. Interviews are cancelled if the reflective writing document is not received.

Insurance, Membership body and supervision

All students accepted to the course are to ensure they are insured to offer counselling supervision, that they are a member of a counselling professional membership body and that they work with a supervisor approved by CBCT Ltd.

Supervision Hours

Students may begin working with supervisees after the third online training day. All the supervisees seen must be qualified counsellors and seen individually. We recommend and encourage students to only work with between two – five supervisees whilst a trainee supervisor. Supervisees should only be sought with the agreement of the student’s supervisor. There is no cut-off date for supervisee and supervision of supervision hours.

Independent Learning plans (ILP)

ILPs are offered to those students who have a diagnosed additional need (medical, physical or educational) which can be evidenced. It is each student’s responsibility to advise us of additional needs at interview when asked or later (if diagnosis is confirmed whilst undertaking the course and/or assignments) and to provide the documentation required. Support cannot be provided if we are not aware of need.

If a student declines to inform us or declines an ILP no additional support, in addition to that offer to all students, can/will be offered.


We take your privacy very seriously and will only use personal information given to provide the products, services and information you have requested from us or to administer your account with us. Your email address will be shared with your tutor to allow them to contact you regarding individual tutorials. All details will be destroyed once your training relationship with us comes to an end.


Overseas learners: This online course is open to learners living overseas and outside of the UK. Please note that we are a UK based training provider and are therefore governed by UK jurisdiction.


CB Counsellor Training Ltd reg:13357355 (England and Wales) 

18 The Old Dairy, The Green, Godstone, Surrey. RH9 8DY.

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